District Overview
Title III Plan
The Title III Garden Grove Unified School District plan states goals which focus on language instruction educational programs designed to help Limited English Proficient (LEP) students achieve standards. The state education agency (SEA), Garden Grove Unified School District, and schools are accountable for increasing the English proficiency and core academic content knowledge of LEP students.
- About Us
- Accessibility Notice
- Choose GGUSD
- COVID-10 Operations Written Report
- Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELOP) Plan
- Proposition 28 Arts and Music in Schools Plan
- Financials
- Join the Human Relations Task Force
- LCFF Budget Overview For Parents
- Local Control and Accountability Plan
- Local Educational Agency Plan (LEAP)
- Our Vision and Mission
- Public Notices
- School Parental Involvement Policy
- Single Plan for Student Achievement
- Strategic Plan
- Superintendent of Schools
- OrgChart 2024-25
- Title III Plan